Find Your Freedom 


What is Find Your Freedom about?

Find Your Freedom isn't just a movement, it's a revolution within. It's about shredding the shackles that bind you – the limiting beliefs, the stagnant routines, the whispers of fear that hold you back. It's about taking an ax to the walls of your comfort zone and reshaping your mind, body, and health into the fortress of your dreams. This isn't a fleeting whim, it's a relentless pursuit of your passions, a fierce commitment to letting go of what holds you down and chasing your wildest aspirations with an unyielding heart. It's about owning your choices, taking responsibility for every step, and recognizing that the power to change lies not in fate, but in your clenched fists. Find Your Freedom is a symphony of self-love, a dedication not just to yourself, but to the loved ones who stand beside you. It's a promise whispered between your own heartbeat and theirs, a vow to become the person they deserve, the person you were always meant to be. So stand tall, raise your voice, and join the chorus – Find Your Freedom, and in doing so, find yourself, and redefine what it means to truly live.

Join the Find Your Freedom Movement

Is the yearning for freedom echoing in every corner of your life? My courses and membership are designed to be the answer to that call. We'll tackle the roadblocks head-on, helping you conquer fear, shed the burdens of the past, and open your arms to fulfilling relationships. Together, we'll unlock the secrets to financial abundance and empower you to prioritize your well-being, crafting a life that vibrates with true health. This isn't just about changing one aspect; it's about a holistic transformation, guiding you towards a state of freedom that permeates every facet of your being. Are you ready to step into the life you deserve? Take the first step towards your liberation today.
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    MJ is Transforming Lives

    Mendy Janelle-CEO of Find Your Freedom

    I Am A Lotus...

    The Lotus Flower is one of the most remarkable creation on earth. It’s beauty emerges from the bottom of a dirty and muddy pond, yet still remains unblemished and unstained by it’s soiled surroundings. It fights it’s way through dirty obstacles and makes it’s way to the top. Still just a stem with a few leaves and a flower pod, the lotus continues to grow and the pod slowly surfaces above the water, finally freeing itself from the harsh life conditions it was created from.

    Despite being born in murky conditions, the lotus rises above adversity and blooms into one of the most beautiful flowers in nature. Representing long life, health, and strength, the lotus flower is symbolic of my life.
    My hope for you is that you are inspired to change your life around, dream big, find your purpose, and release your pain so you too can blossom like a lotus and live your life’s purpose. We only get one life but every day we wakeup is a new opportunity to do something different, work on ourselves, and make better choices. It doesn’t happen overnight but with each day you take action, you will begin to notice a positive shift in your life. Working on myself has been the most challenging but yet the most rewarding endeavor I have ever taken on, and it continues to be
    Find Your Freedom is a movement designed to ignite your path to liberation: living with purpose, embracing joy, nurturing your well-being, and boldly stepping beyond the shadows of yesterday. Let's rewrite your story, one empowered step at a time.

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